The National Geographic Channel (NatGeo) taped this show in 2007 about Michael Travesser and his followers, a group known as “Strong City” in New Mexico.

What’s most interesting for you to see while watching this are the attitudes and struggles of the group’s members and family members outside the cult. If they don’t sound familiar, they should.

If you dismiss this because you’re only looking at the details of this group’s beliefs, then you are missing the point. These people, young and old alike, have obviously been indoctrinated with what the leader wants them to think and believe. It doesn’t make any sense to any person outside their group. You can see through it, can’t you? It’s obviously a big lie, right? Isn’t it plain to see? Dear members of the Community of Jesus, this is how everyone else sees you.

Part 1:     Part 2: 

Part 3:     Part 4: 

Part 5: 

Dear members of the Community of Jesus, your friends and your family—and even strangers—who live outside the Community want you to be whole, healthy, and in a complete state of well-being. We want you to realize that the organization and leadership you serve is an unhealthy environment. We want you to leave and get healing, because the Community looks the same to us as the group at Strong City. The only people who can’t see that point is you.

We want to help you.